from Delebio to Cosio

Distance: 10 km

Height difference: 480m

Journey Time: 4h

Meeting Place: 9:30 am Train Station Delebio (LC)

(by train from Milan 7.20 am arrival in Morbegno 8.59 am — Morbegno 9.17 am arrival in Delebio 9.26 am ) Return: train in Cosio 3.35 pm arrival in Milan 5.40 pm

Agritourism l’Eco, Dossa
We will walk along the ‘Viandante’, a panoramic path used over the centuries to connect Milan with the upper Valtellina and Switzerland.

Programme of the day

From Delebio station, we follow the course of the Lesina stream to the historic centre of Andalo Valtellino. A stretch of forest and we enter another very pretty historic village: Rogolo. Here the road begins to climb, and our efforts are soon repaid as we reach the splendid abbey of San Pietro in Vallate, a Romanesque building dating from 1078, home of the Cluniac monks. A brief stop and we continue uphill to Dossa, a small picturesque village where a splendid agritourism awaits us! Time for refreshments, then it’s all downhill, an easy path through the woods among ancient buildings, streams and small bridges, until we reach Cosio where we return to Delebio by train (€1.90) (those who came by train can continue the journey to Lecco).


What to bring for the hike

Hiking shoes or boots, water, packed lunch, optional trekking poles, rain and wind protection.

NB: You will find a few fountains along the route where you can fill your water bottle

ACCOMPANIED EXCURSION COST: 20€ to be paid on site

x info: Gabri tel.328 7745508 mail:

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