• Distance: 10km

  • Height difference: 900m

  • Travelling time: approx. 4/5h

  • Meeting Place: 09:45 Lierna Railway Station

(Train Milan 8.20 Lecco 9.15 Lierna 9.39)

(Return: direct train to Milan 16.35 or 17.35 from Varenna arriving in Milan at 17.40 or 18.40)

We will walk along the “Viandante”, a panoramic path used over the centuries to connect Milan to Switzerland.

The route offers splendid views of Lake Como, passing through picturesque villages, ancient courtyards and the remains of medieval buildings, small mountain churches and terraces with vineyards and olive trees. Deserved stops will allow us to contemplate and photograph these breathtaking landscapes.

Programme of the day

From the meeting point, we begin the ascent towards the picturesque hamlet of Genico and further uphill along a slope that does not allow many breaths. The effort will be rewarded by the view of Lake Como once we reach the huts of Mezzedo, and even more at the top, near the splendid Church of San Pietro (992m); many other beautiful views will open up along the descent to Vezio. We will visit the small village of Vezio, home of the Castle (11th century), and then descend to Varenna, the Pearl of the Lake.

What to bring for the hike

Chopsticks are recommended. Some places have quite high steps to overcome, so an adequate state of fitness and some experience with the mountains is required. In winter silicone snow crampons are recommended. Trekking shoes with a good sole, high boots are best. Dress in layers. a windproof jacket, water, packed lunch.

ACCOMPANIED EXCURSION COST: 20€ to be paid locally

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  • x info: Gabri tel.328 7745508 mail: cortigabriele@yahoo.com