On top of Monte Tesoro (1432m) to admire the sunset and, as the curtain falls, we descend with torches to the enchanting hamlet of Colle di Sogno.
From the Calolziocorte train station, our meeting point, at 15.00 (those arriving by train from Milan Trenord 14.20 Central-14.53 Calolzio) we continue by car for about 20min. to the beautiful hamlet of Colle di Sogno, with its narrow lanes, perched on the slopes of the mountain. From here, the path starts out gently, giving us a chance to ‘warm our legs’, and then becomes a little steeper, but it will give us breathing space before we reach the summit. We pass through small farming villages such as Combeli and Cà di Magnà, before reaching the summit (1432m) where we wait for sunset.
The descent will be on the other side of the mountain, with the sky gradually getting darker, we will venture with our torches first along a path, then on dirt roads, and finally along the charming forest path to Colle di Sogno where we parked. From here by car to the Calolziocorte train station. Expected return at 21.30.