The lake as seen …. from the lake!

Oh yes, my fellow walkers, this time we offer you an experience on the water, a nice cool-down chasing the wind and waves. In cooperation with FuoriDiVela , we invite you to a sailor’s baptism.

A day dedicated to sailing!

The location is really beautiful, in the village of Dorio the attendance is quiet, the view from the lake exciting. You cannot deny yourself this experience in our (small) sea.

We start with a nice walk between the Viandante and the lake to reach our nautical base.

There, our young instructors are waiting for us, a short theory course on the art of sailing, a packed lunch and, as soon as the wind arrives, off we go! In crews of four to five people, we dive into the waves for an afternoon of splashing and laughter.

Back at the roadstead, wet and …. tanned, we have time to enjoy the sun, a breeze and a glass of wine before setting off again, tired and happy, with the desire to try the wind again….

INFORMATION: for the return journey those who wish can also take the train from Dorio to Dervio (departures from Dorio every hour)

MEETING POINT: MEETING POINT: 10.00 a.m. at the GALLI EZIO car park in Via Fiandra 15 in Lecco. From there with a few cars in about half an hour we reach Dervio
WHAT TO BRING: Sports shoes, swimming costume and change of clothes, towel for drying, sun cream, full water bottle.
PACKED LUNCH: I then bring a couple of bottles of wine for the…. “third time” in the roadstead
Difficulty: walking on paths and cobbled tracks. Distance to and from: about 8 km. Height difference: approx. 100 m.
Walking time: about 3 hours
COSTS: cost € 20 + € 40 (registration to Fuoridivela, instructor, boat rental, wetsuit and life jacket).
TO BOOK AND FOR INFORMATION you can join the following WHATSAPP GROUP or CONTACT ME Leo 3773074350 Mail: –