October is here, time for chestnuts! How beautiful it is to walk in the woods among these magnificent trees? The leaves of all colours, the deliciousness of these ancient fruits.

Along the way, we will also discover much more: old farmsteads that were places of work, wash-houses that tell us the story of the mysterious ‘massi avelli’, legends about the witches that inhabited this valley…

The start is from one of the many hamlets of Valbrona, the valley of the waters, among the alleys you can recognise signs of the past, then you climb gently, through woods, clearings and views of the Grigne in front of you.

A beautiful circular route in one of the most interesting corners of the Larian Triangle.



MEETING POINT: h 9.00 am at TRENTO’S BAR in the car park of the Centro Sportivo di Maisano di Valbrona via Milano 1 in Valbrona
WHAT TO BRING: Hiking shoes, layered clothing, backpack, full water bottle
PACKED LUNCH: I then bring a bottle of wine … I have room in my rucksack
DIFFICULTY: walking on paths and cart tracks. Distance a/r: 6 km approx. Height difference: approx. 300 m.
Walking time: approx. 3 hours
COSTS: cost € 20
FOR BOOKING AND INFORMATION you can join the following WHATSAPP GROUP or CONTACT ME Leo 3773074350 Mail: LeoLovati67@gmail.com –
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