Colico to Delebio

Distance: 10 km

Height difference: 400m

Walking time: 3h

Meeting Place: 10:00 a.m. Train Station Colico (LC)

(by train from Milan 8.20 a.m. arrival in Colico 9.46 a.m.) Return: train in Colico 4.15 p.m. arrival in Milan 5.40 p.m.

We will walk along the ‘Viandante’, a panoramic path used over the centuries to connect Milan with the upper Valtellina and Switzerland.

Programme of the day

From Colico we follow the course of the Inganna stream up to the upper part of the town, past farms and splendid villas, and then into the woods. We cross the border between the provinces of Lecco and Sondrio, ford a few streams (without getting our feet wet!), and walk along agro-sylvo-pastoral roads and typical mountain paths. Every so often the forest opens up, offering views of Pian di Spagna and the lower Valtellina. On reaching Piani di Nogaredo we stop for a picnic lunch. Here your guide will cook you a Polenta Taragna rich in cheese, to warm the stomachs and spirits! We then descend to Delebio where we return by train (€1.90) to Colico (those who came by train can continue the journey to Lecco).

What to bring for the hike

Hiking shoes or boots, water, packed lunch, optional trekking poles, rain and wind protection.

NB: You will find a few fountains along the route where you can fill your water bottle.


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  • x info: Gabri tel.328 7745508 mail: